ccr cispes foia


If you are interested in civil rights and social justice, you might have heard of CCR CISPES FOIA. But what is it exactly? CCR stands for the Center for Constitutional Rights, a non-profit organization that fights for civil rights and human rights in the United States. CISPES stands for the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador, a solidarity organization that supports the people of El Salvador in their struggle for social and economic justice. FOIA stands for the Freedom of Information Act, a federal law that gives citizens the right to access government records.
Together, CCR CISPES FOIA is a legal campaign that seeks to uncover the truth about U.S. involvement in the civil war in El Salvador during the 1980s. The campaign uses the FOIA to request government documents related to U.S. foreign policy and military operations in El Salvador. The goal is to shed light on the human rights abuses committed by the Salvadoran government and the U.S.-backed military during the war.

Why is CCR CISPES FOIA Important?

The civil war in El Salvador was a brutal conflict that lasted from 1980 to 1992. It resulted in the deaths of over 75,000 people, most of them civilians. The war was characterized by widespread human rights abuses, including torture, rape, and extrajudicial killings.
The U.S. government played a significant role in the war, providing military and financial assistance to the Salvadoran government and military. The U.S. also trained Salvadoran soldiers and provided intelligence support. However, the U.S. government denied any involvement in human rights abuses and claimed that it was supporting democracy and human rights in El Salvador.
The CCR CISPES FOIA campaign seeks to challenge this narrative and uncover the truth about U.S. involvement in the war. By obtaining government documents, the campaign hopes to expose the extent of U.S. support for the Salvadoran government and military and shed light on the human rights abuses committed during the war.

How Can You Get Involved?

If you are interested in supporting the CCR CISPES FOIA campaign, there are several ways to get involved. You can donate to the Center for Constitutional Rights or the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador to support their work. You can also sign up for their email lists to stay informed about their campaigns and events.
Another way to support the campaign is to write to your elected representatives and urge them to support government transparency and accountability. You can also share information about the campaign on social media or with your friends and family to raise awareness.


In conclusion, CCR CISPES FOIA is an important legal campaign that seeks to uncover the truth about U.S. involvement in the civil war in El Salvador. By using the FOIA to request government documents, the campaign hopes to shed light on the human rights abuses committed during the war and challenge the U.S. government's narrative of supporting democracy and human rights. If you are interested in supporting the campaign, there are several ways to get involved and make a difference.